20 ene 2013

Página de recaudación de fondos para las victimas de Sandy Hook fue creada 3 días antes de la masacre.

20-01-2013 3-31-38

¿Qué tiene de esto de extraño? El tiroteo tuvo lugar en Sandy Hook tres días después, el 14 de diciembre de 2012.

Si ahora usted busca en Google la URL de la página de recaudar fondos para las víctimas de la masacre de Conneticut (ver instrucciones abajo), obtendrá un resultado de búsqueda de Google diciendo que la página fue creada el 11 de diciembre de 2012.

¿Qué tiene de esto de extraño? El tiroteo tuvo lugar en Sandy Hook tres días después, el 14 de diciembre de 2012.

Si en su cabeza está sonando repentinamente la frase “teoría de la conspiración!” usted no es la única persona que lo pensará.20-01-2013 3-18-45

Este tipo de noticias inmediatamente  enciende las luces rojas a la mayoría de la gente que piensa y nos preguntamos: “¿Es esto real?”

Para guardarlo acá publicamos una captura de pantalla de los resultados de búsqueda de Google, y se puede ver que por debajo esta escrito 11 de diciembre 2012, claro como el día…. De hecho, por lo menos no ha sido modificado en los últimos cuatro días…
Haga clic aquí para ver los resultados de la búsqueda usted mismo. (Si se obtienen resultados que muestran una fecha que no sea diciembre 11, entonces Google la ha cambiado.)    El parámetro final de la URL de búsqueda, “as_qdr = y15″,  le dice a Google que muestre la fecha en que se creó dicha página.

Como se puede ver en la imagen de la captura de pantalla, claramente muestra “11 de diciembre de 2012″ como fecha se creó la página. La página dice:

“United Way extiende nuestras más sinceras condolencias y oraciones a todas las familias afectadas por los devastadores eventos en Newtown / Sandy Hook …”

Está claro que esta página fue creada para recaudar fondos para las víctimas de Sandy Hook. Sin embargo, la masacre de Sandy Hook no se produjo sino   tres días después de que esta página fue creada, según el robot de Google.

Noticia Relacionada

No lo olvide, el Edificio WTC 7 fue anunciado “destruido”, mientras que aún estaba en pie!

Históricamente hablando, todo esto es muy importante porque hemos visto esto antes con 9/11.

Como muestra el vídeo a continuación, en 2001, una reportera de noticias BBC se puso ante la cámara y anunció que el edificio 7 del World Trade Center se había derrumbado, incluso cuando todavía estaba de pie directamente detrás de ella!

Ese video, que fue censurado por Google Video, sin embargo se puede ver aquí:


¿Por qué la BBC cometió este error? Porque así como CNN, que tiene una historia larga y divertida de emisiones de noticias totalmente falsas (como éste de la Guerra del Golfo), la BBC filtró la información sobre el derrumbe de un edificio WTC 7 antes de que ocurriera.

La noticia fue programada a una hora específica, pero la BBC calculó incorrectamente la zona horaria y, accidentalmente, corrió la noticia una hora antes.

(Por cierto, ese video falso de la Guerra en el Golfo de CNN vinculado anteriormente era tan increíblemente y ridículamente estúpido que uno de los invitados que se entrevistó oye una sirena de ataque biológico y agarra un casco!

Cada vez hay más personas que creen firmemente que la masacre de Sandy Hook podría haber sido puesta en escena también. ¿Qué piensa usted?

Redacción: Alternativos.cl – Noticias para Pensar
Permitida la reproducción de nuestro trabajo sólo  si se indica la fuente

2 comentarios:

  1. Anónimo15:22:00

    Acerca de Sandy Hook,
    By Dr. James H. Fetzer

    "While liberals and some conservatives believe the time has come to ban assault weapons, the graver threat to our nation’s security has been swept under the rug.

    The Sandy Hook massacre appears to have been a psy op intended to strike fear in the hearts of Americans by the sheer brutality of the massacre, where the killing of children is a signature of terror ops conducted by agents of Israel.

    This is being used as powerful incentive for banning assault rifles, where most of the public is unaware of the fact that the Department of Homeland Security has acquired 1.5 billion rounds of .40 caliber, hollow-point ammunition, which is not ever permissible in warfare under the Geneva Conventions.

    A Senate Subcommittee has issued a report (3 October 2012) based upon its review of 680 “fusion center” reports (from 2009-2001) and found not a single indication of any domestic terrorist threat-not one! None! Since the only domestic “terrorist threats” are ones contrived by the government, especially the FBI, the public needs to know.

    This information-as well as the existence of more than 300 FEMA camps and special boxcars to carry dissidents to them-has been deliberately withheld from the American people, because if they were aware of the facts of the matter, it would become obvious that those camps and ammunition are intended to be used against them.

    When DHS is gearing up to conduct a massive civil war against the American people, what better excuse could there be for banning assault weapons than the massacre of 20 innocent children at Sandy Hook Elementary School?

    The choice appears to be covertly revealing, where “Sandy” means guardian of men (as an allusion to guns) and “Hook” as a euphemism for hooking, gathering or confiscating the only weapons that DHS fears. And who better to slaughter American children than Israelis, who deliberately murder Palestinian children?

    Mike Harris of Veterans Today has exposed the pattern relating what happened there to earlier assaults: “This is exactly what Israel did in Norway; the political party that voted sanctions against Israel was retaliated against by a ‘lone gunman’ who killed 77 children. This is what Israel always does, they go after the children.

    “It is what they do in Gaza every day. It is what was done in Norway. It is what happened at Sandy Hook. Nobody buys the ‘one gunman’ story anymore, not with the Gabby Giffords’ shooting, not with the Aurora “Batman” shooting, certainly not with Breveik, and certainly not in Connecticut.”

  2. Anónimo15:39:00

    Continuación del comentario #1:
    ..."The most likely scenario, given what we know now, is that Adam Lanza and his mother killed the day before. Adam's body picked up by local police. He was attired in a SWAT outfit, including body armor, and stored in the school.

    A three-man team entered the school, one was arrested in the school--cuffed and put on the lawn--two went out the back door, one was arrested, the third appears to have escaped. You can find this on helicopter videos.

    Those arrested are currently not in police custody; their names were never released. That is a telling sign that we are being sold a story that is based on fiction, not on fact. What else are the local police concealing?

    A parallel situation in Aurora, where there appear to have been multiple participants, but the police concealed information about them. The DC Sniper, John Allen Muhammad, was even a active member of Delta Force, but the public was not informed.

    His assistant in this killing spree, Lee Boyd Malvo, had been detained in Seattle but was released, even though he was an illegal alien, where INS has refused to explain how that happened. Did “higher authority” intervene?

    Nidal Malik Hasan, the US Army Major who killed 13 and wounded 29 during a rampage at Ft. Hood, Texas, even sat next to the Director of Homeland Security during an event at George Washington University. Can that be coincidental?

    When the "long gunman" cover story falls apart, then the national press, which William Colby told us was infiltrated by agents of the CIA-“The agency owns everyone of significance in the major media”-resorts to stories of Mind Control and use of drugs.

    We have to see through the smoke and mirrors. These attacks typically involve three-man shooting teams, where, once the story is tainted with bogus MK/Ultra conspiracy disinformation, crucial data, like the assault rifle the Sandy Hook having been left in his car, swiftly disappears.

    Lenin and Trotsky were terrorists. Lenin was an outspoken proponent of terrorism. The founder of the Lukid Party and sixth Prime Minister of Israel was an Irgun terrorist. Study its history. No nation in the world cares more about its own interests and less about those of the United State than Israel.

    The bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946, was a stunning example. The attack on the USS Liberty and Israel’s bombing of its own Embassy and Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires in 1992 and 1994 are other illustration.

    Those who study 9/11 are all too aware of the role of the Neo-Cons and the Mossad. But the American press covers it up-and Congress is controlled by AIPAC. As Bill Casey, former CIA Director, observed, “Our disinformation program will be complete when everything the American public believes is false.” Sandy Hook is the latest example.

    By JF/JR"


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